There are no prices on the Chanel Web site. (And why did I even bother looking?) But just for a ballpark estimate, on eBay, a camellia pin will set you back $400 and a blouse with the camellia logo around $3,500. Adjust upwards by the multiple of your choosing.
So I even though I really love camellias, maybe because they remind me of the dozen or so bushes we had in our backyard when I was a kid, I don't think there will be any Chanel camellias for me. And while I stopped and contemplated a bit at the market where I saw these beauties, 35 euros for a potted plant still seems a bit steep. (The big ones were tagged at 50 euros!) Maybe I should think about Dior's lily of the valleys instead.
that explains the white flower on the chanel bags at Rue Cambon...lovely
Don't give up on a Chanel camelia at a "reasonable" price (well, for Chanel) just yet - there's Chanel practically every week at Drouot. I don't usually pay attention to the broach and costume jewelry prices but I guarantee it would be less than the ebay price you mentioned, I'm guessing 50-200. And guaranteed authentic, bien sur. Good luck!
Out of my league.
The price has a decimal following the first number, making the price much more reasonable.
Nope, Florence. It was 35 euros for sure. No decimal. You couldn't buy a begonia for 3.5 euros at that market.
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