And then she took us out back to visit the pigeonnier and that's when my mind snapped back to consciousness. A pigeonnier, also known as a columbier, is basically a gigantic bird house but when I say gigantic, I mean, really really really big. It's got niches for 4,500 birds. Take a look.
Back in the day, you had to get the king's permission to have one of these and it was really indispensable, both in providing food for the domaine (in the form of both meat and eggs) and fertilizer for the vegetable gardens. So important was the latter (known as colombine) that it actually got mentioned in dowries.
Here's a look from the outside. The tower at the top was just for aeration. The pigeons themselves flew in and out of the tiny window (and one opposite). The lip below the window is designed to keep any rats, who might try scurrying up the side in search of dinner, from reaching their quarry. And just for good measure, that black strip below the lip is made of slate, making it extra slippery for those rats who are successful in scaling the wall.
Beyond the pigeonnier, the chateau de Saint-Jean de Beauregard also has a spectacular garden where the peonies and irises are currently magnifique and the roses are just getting started. A arts festival is on tap for the weekend of the 12th and 13th of June, so if you have a car and the weather is fine, you might consider making the trip.
Saint-Jean de Beauregard
28 km south of Paris in the Essone
Beautiful pics, Anne!
My, you are certainly making the most of your stay in France! That's wonderful:) I'm sure most of the expats will never see half of what you've seen thus far:)
I wonder if you'll be bored when you head back home for good.
Duchesse: No telling what my re-entry will feel like but I don't think I'll be bored because I'll have to go back to work!
Now, if only someone could convince the pigeons to leave Paris and live here instead.
Hi, Perhaps you or someone who reads this can give me the necessary info I neeed. I would like to retire in France. I decided this after visiting many times. I'm in France now, and do not wish to return to the states. Is it possible to obtain a visa to stay here while here. My E-mail address is popmilt@hot thanks
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