Saturday, April 11, 2009

Passy Cemetery

Okay, so another cemetery post. If you're thinking I'm a bit obsessed with death, you're dead wrong. There's just lots of interesting art and history to be found in these spaces.

The Passy cemetery hides behind the high wall that borders Place du Trocadero to the southwest. It's not very big and like all cemeteries I've visited in France (with the exception of the American military cemetery in Normandy), there's precious little greenery. Instead what you find are gravestones, monuments, and masoleums side by each along gravel paths. For a small place, there's a lot packed in here.

First, there's Manet.

Then there's Debussy.

Some weird 19th century art, romantic and a bit grotesque

Incredible stainless glass and mosaics for the Guerlain family (I assume of cosmetics fame).

A little Art Deco

Crazy modern stuff with a view of the Tour Eiffel

And then, the kind of scene that just makes your heart ache a bit.

Rest in peace.


Starman said...

Great pictures!

lady jicky said...

I was upset with the last photo too.
Why do people want to wreck things like this?

erin said...

i love walking through european of my favorites in rome is the protestant cemetary. the headstones and statuary are so wonderful.
have a lovely week.

Cécile Qd9 said...

Gret pictures.I guess you know Père Lachaise...

M K Countryman said...

"you're DEAD wrong" comment cracked me up....

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