Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Horror

Dear France,

I am so sorry.

Bisous,  Anne


Mary Kay Bosshart said...

I cringe whenever I see one of the Jersey Shore advertisements in the metro and wonder why we can't export something better than Snookie and her friends.

Paulita said...

I heard that Rutgers paid Snookie more to speak there than they paid Toni Morrison. Embarrassing. Another embarrassment for the U.S. -- the Kardashians. When I was protesting the bill that will take away collective bargaining rights for teachers, I made a sign: Kim Kardashian made $6 million dollars last year. What's she teaching your children?

Emgee said...


Cherie Vintage said...

I saw this the other day and I was so upset I did not have my camera with me!!!
All I can say is WOW!!!

Starman said...

On the other hand, the French probably love it.

debbie in toronto said...

Oh good grief

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amy said...

Oh dear. All of America apologizes. Some of us twice.

Unknown said...

I'm ashamed to confess I actually watch Jersey Shore... it's kinda my guilty TV pleasure. Please don't judge me ;-)

GP said...

I'm afraid the French will like it. The Europeans seem to like 'trashy' american tv reality shows. I'm not French, I'm Polish and I know these shows are popular in Poland. Nothing to apologize for, though, the French paid to get the one pushed it on them. Oh well, can't talk about taste, I guess :)

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