Monday, May 9, 2011

Touch of Country in the City

Just off the Parc Montsouris in the south end of the 14th arrondissement, you can find a little street out of a picture book.  You might feel like you've left the city.  Were it not for the cars, you might actually be in another era altogether.

And yes, this last one is an actual Le Corbusier.

And then not too far away, just on the other side of the park, over the line into the 13th arrondissement, you'll find an equally charming spot:  the Cité Florale where cobblestones and flowers rule.

There are actually dozens of streets like this these, tucked in and around the city, but they are usually behind locked gates, accessible only to residents via digicode.  Fortunately, these are not yet under lock and key.  I hope they stay that way.


Duchesse said...

How lovely! I've never been to that part of the 14th, but I'll make sure to see it the next time I'm in Paris!:) I don't care what a lot of people say: I've always liked the 14th. To me it's REAL Paris.

Paulita said...

What a great eye you have for the unusual details. I'm envious that you have time to explore all these hidden nooks of Paris.

Harriet said...

What a nice treat to see these areas. Thanks.

Karen Roderick said...

They are just beautiful. You're right when you say you could be somewhere else.

Starman said...

The 13e is one of my favorite areas.

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