Wednesday, May 27, 2009


It's strawberry season! You can get Spanish or Moroccan strawberries year round here but you have to wait for the spring for those from France. The season begins with the appearance of gariguettes which are small but bursting with flavor. Then there are the mara de bois which are bigger and redder and awfully darn good. And for those who really want to go hog wild, there are the different strawberries from different regions, like fraises de Plougastel from Brittany. Those folks are hard core; they even have their own strawberry museum. Me? I'm not picky as long as I don't go looking for some in the kitchen and find nothing but an empty box.


Virginia said...

Ahhh saw these lovely berries at the street market yesterday and today. We love rue Mouffetard! Great for people watching and sneaking photographs!HA

Starman said...

Je préfère les framboises.

Diary of Why said...

I have been consuming strawberries at an unbelievable rate lately! I can't get enough of them.

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