Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Counting to Ten

I bet you can count to ten in French.  But can you do it in Parisian street numbers?

I can keep going if you like......


Elizabeth said...

I hope hi inth ten day countdown!

Anonymous said...

As a fan of typography, I love this post.

g said...

please do...let's see if you can reach a 100! i adore the traditional blue and white numbers myself. so enjoy each day of your musings!-g

Starman said...


Harriet said...

What a clever post. Even the ordinary things in life can be quite interesting.

Elizabeth said...

I am not sure how my post got so garbled. It was supposed to say I hope this isn't the ten day countdown...

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

Love this!

Anne said...

Elizabeth: Thanks for clarifying. And no, it's not the countdown to departure although as you can see from the gadget I just added, our numbers are certainly numbered.

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