Monday, September 7, 2009

B as in Boy or More on the Subject of Spelling

Talk about getting caught with your foot in your mouth. French education minister Luc Chatel issued a press release for the first day of school last week and whaddaya know? It was full of spelling errors and grammatical faults. Spoon fed this, the press had a field day. If your French is better than mine, see if you can correct the errors in these passages published on-line by Le Point:

- "La rèforme de l'enseignement primaire, qui est entré en application à la rentrée 2008, s'appuie sur des horaires et des Les programmes, redéfinis par arrêtés du 9 juin 2008 qui s'articulent avec les sept grandes compétences du socle commun."

- "En 2009 se sont 214.289 élèves qui ont suivi... "

- "Ces formations concerneront prioritairement les enseignants qui exercent pour la première fois en école maternelles ."

A corrected press release was promptly reissued.


David in Setouchi said...

If we had competent ministers, that would be a known thing (well, to be honest we have a couple, except that they're not competent in the field where they are ministers)...

As far as the spelling mistakes in the text, if I tell which ones they are I'd spoil the fun of the non-natives right away...

Starman said...

It would seem that Monsieur Chatel should hire himself a proof reader.

Harriet said...

I can spot some of the errors, but not being fluent in French, I know there are some that I've overlooked. Could you post a link to the corrected version or perhaps add it to another post?


Anne said...

Harriet: You asked for it, you got it. From the corrected release.

- La réforme de l’enseignement primaire, qui est entrée en application à la rentrée 2008, s’appuie sur des horaires et des programmes, redéfinis par arrêtés du 9 juin 2008 qui s’articulent avec les sept grandes compétences du socle commun.

- En 2009, 214 290 élèves ont suivi 38 940 stages.

- Ces formations concerneront prioritairement les enseignants qui exercent pour la première fois en école maternelle.


Starman said...

Is it just me, or did they misspell the word 'application'?

Cécile Qd9 said...

Incroyable et lamentable

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